Harry Pye and Friends, The South London Salon, 27 September 2013 - 6 October 2013.
I'm taking part in this exhibiton curated by Harry Pye, as part of Deptford X, London's Contemorary Arts Festival. The show features the following 30 artists, who all have a strong connection to South London.
Marie Smith, Cedar Lewisohn, Christopher Owen, Sarah Doyle, Peter Lamb, Howard Dyke, Rowland Smith, Julia Bedford, David Dipré, Liam Newnham, Patrick Morrissey & Hanz Hancock, Edward Ward, Rosalind Davis, Bob London, Klarita Pandolfi-Carr, Sarah Sparkes, Clare Price, Paul Hamilton, Jackie Clark, Giles Kent, Julie Bennett, Simeon Banner, Paul Wye, Tracey Williams, Zac T Lee, Mikey Georgeson, Marcus Cope, Sinead Wheeler, Mel Cole, Julian Wakeling, and Aleksandra Wojcik.
The works will be exhibited at the brand new D.X H.Q on Brookmill Rd (1 minute's walkk from Deptford D.L.R)
The festival is officially opened tonight at D.X.H.Q, then there will be a special event for Harry Pye's south London Salon, on Thursday 3rd October from 6pm till 9pm.
Further details can be found here.